
This page allows authorized users to configure the network settings and network adapters SageVue uses for device discovery on the gateway machine.


Device Type Selection

Use the Device Type dropdown menu to select Tesira, Devio, Atom, Dynasound, EasyConnect/Parlé, or QtPRO.



Network interfaces may be enabled by checking the box next to the name of each interface.


Tesira, Devio, Crowd Mics ATOM, Dynasound, EasyConnect/Parlé, and QtPro devices may be configured by choosing the appropriate tab below Network Interfaces.




Tesira Device Tab

Device Discovery and Unqualified Host Names


Device discovery and MDNS resolution of unqualified hostnames may be turned on or using the switches.


Auto Detection in Local Segments


Automatic detection of devices in local segments may be set on or off from the following switch:



Additional Tesira Settings



Deleting Hostnames and IP Addresses

Delete hostnames and IP addresses on the Tesira Tab Discovery Device List  by clicking the trash can icon associated with each item row. Users will be prompted to confirm the command.



Manually Adding List Items





Devio Device Tab

Operations on the Devio Tab


Deleting Hostnames and IP Addresses

Click the trash can icon to delete associated hostnames and IP addresses from the Discovery Device List. Users will be prompted to confirm the command.


Applying Changes



Manual Authentications




Crowd Mics ATOM Tab

Operations on the Tab

Users can enable device discovery and add authentication credentials on the ATOM tab.


Applying Changes


Deleting Authentications

Delete authentications by clicking the trash can icon. Users will be prompted to confirm the command.



Manual Authentications





Dynasound Device Tab

Operations on the Tab


Discovery List Device Visibility

The Discovery Device List shows both Present and Hidden devices as well as the IP Address and serial numbers of these devices. Devices in the hidden category will not show up on the main device page.


Clicking the refresh icon shows the device on the main device page and moves it to the "Present" category of the Discovery Device List.



Deleting Addresses

Delete an IP address by clicking the trash can icon. Users will be prompted to confirm the command.




Importing IP Address Lists

To import an IP Address list from a .CSV file.






Note: The file will be validated and any failed entries listed, if present. If errors are present, the user may choose to add only the valid entries to the Device Discovery List by clicking ADD VALID ENTRIES.


Importing Individual IP Addresses



The user will be alerted if the IP address or serial number entered is already in the Discovery Device List.



EasyConnect / Parlé Device Tab

Operations on the Tab


Discovery List Device Visibility

The Discovery Device List shows both Present and Hidden devices as well as the IP Address and serial numbers of these devices. Devices in the hidden category will not show up on the main device page. 


Clicking the refresh icon shows the device on the main device page and moves it to the "Present" category of the Discover Device List.



Deleting Addresses

Delete addresses by clicking the trash can icon. Users will be prompted to confirm the command.



Importing IP Address Lists

To import an IP Address list from a .CSV file.

  1. Click on the Import address list icon.

  1. Browse to an appropriate file and click VALIDATE


Note: The file will be validated and any fail entries listed, if present. If errors are present, the user many choose to add only the valid entries to the Device Discovery List by clicking ADD VALID ENTRIES.



Importing Individual Hostname or IP Addresses



The user will be alerted if the hostname or IP address entered is already in the Discovery Device List.




QtPro Tab

Operations on the QT Tab


Discovery List

The Discovery Device List will show the hostname or IP address as set on the device after they have been added


Deleting Devices

Devices may be deleted by clicking the icon in the Device Discovery List. Users will be prompted to confirm this command.


Adding Hostname/Addresses as Lists


Users may import a Hostname/IP Address list as a .CSV file by clicking the Import address list icon:


Browse to an appropriate file and click VALIDATE.



The file will be validated and any failed entries listed. If errors are present, the user may choose to add only the valid entries to the Device Discovery List by clicking the ADD VALID ENTRIES button:


Adding an Individual Hostname or IP Address





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